MTTS RES-10000 Beluga Resuscitator

MTTS RES-10000 Beluga Resuscitator

T-piece resuscitator is a device using positive pressure to inflate the lungs of an unconscious patient who is not breathing, in order to keep them oxygenated and alive.

Beluga with its cutting edge design combines oxygen blender and electronic PEEP/PIP setting into a single unit. Driven by battery can be used in the delivery units, NICUs and outside hospital settings in emergency situations.

Beluga Resuscitator: Features, Connections and Operation

The presentation of MTTS Beluga Resuscitator: features, connections and operation.

Key Features

– Portable
– 4-hour battery backup
– Integrated blender
– Oxygen monitoring
– Easy-to-use touch screen
– Controlled target PIP and consistent PEEP
– No time restriction on use due to the gas tank limitation
– Usable in horizontal or vertical position

More Information: Beluga Resuscitator | LifeKit by MTTS (

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